

homemade hair growth oil

homemade hair growth oil

homemade hair growth oil
homemade hair growth oil

 Hair oils

 many girls and young men suffer from many problems with hair, and these problems include difficulty in growing, falling out, roughness, fading, split ends, or dandruff, as many are looking for appropriate methods and treatments to get healthy hair, and it has been proven. Experts know the effectiveness of natural oils in treating all hair problems, and given the importance of these oils, many people want to prepare mixtures at home, and in this article we will learn about easy and simple ways to make hair oil.

Ways to make hair oil

Hair treatment oil

  • Coconut oil, or watercress oil.
  •  olive oil.
How to prepare:
  • Put an amount of olive oil in a suitable dish
  • Add coconut oil, or watercress oil in appropriate quantities, and stir.
  • We put the plate in a pot of water.
  • We put the pot on the stove, and indirectly heat the oil.
Note: We can use the microwave for a few seconds.
How to use:
Lack of split ends of hair.
  • Put a little warm oil on the palm of the hand, and massage the head with the oil until it is covered from the roots to the ends.
  • Comb the hair with fingers or a comb to make sure that the oil penetrates into the hair.
  • Cover the hair with a plastic cap, and leave it for an hour, with massaging the hair every half hour.
  • We wash the hair with the appropriate shampoo, and repeat the recipe every two weeks.

Peppermint oil

the ingredients:
  • Bunch of fresh mint.
  • Any type of vegetable oil.
How to prepare:
  • Wash the mint well, with cold water, and separate the mint leaves from the sticks.
  • We put mint leaves in a glass container, leave them until they change color, and cover them with oil.
  • Close the container tightly and leave it in a warm place for fourteen days.

Jasmine oil

the ingredients:
  • A hundred jasmine flowers.
  • Amount of water.
How to prepare:
  • Soak the flowers in a bowl filled with water, and leave them at the place temperature.
  • Cover the container tightly for two nights, then extract the layer of oil that appears on the surface of the water.
  • The oil is used to nourish the hair and give it a fragrant scent.

Hibiscus oil

the ingredients:
  • Twelve hibiscus flowers.
  • Coconut Oil.
How to prepare:
  • Put the hibiscus flowers and coconut oil in a small dish.
  • We put the plate in the sun until the flowers are dry.
  • Put the mixture on the fire, and leave it to cool down, and use the oil to get shiny hair.
Note: Natural oils are one of the most effective ways to treat hair problems, because they contain many vitamins and minerals that promote and maintain its growth.

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